The Egyptian spinners and weavers have not changed over the years; they usually preferred the traditional, safe procedures of production and hand tools rather than adopting newer methods. Both ancient and modern Egyptian spinners and weavers are famous for using very simple tools to produce lots of high-quality products. Modern Egyptians have maintained several working tools such as wooden combs, hand spindles, and horizontal and vertical looms, in addition to following the same manufacturing techniques as their ancestors. Therefore, this study highlights the significance of the inherited similarities between ancient and modern spinners and weavers by analysing some spinning and weaving scenes. The research aims to clarify the inherited raw materials, manufacturing techniques, tools, workshops, and production centers. On the other hand, it explains the integral role of female spinners and weavers, particularly those who reside in rural areas, as they are the greatest preservers of spinning and weaving heritage.
Soliman, D., Abdel Razeq, G., & Zaki, Y. (2023). Spinning and Weaving as Ancient Egyptian Inherited Crafts. Pharos International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 2(1), 18-32. doi: 10.21608/pijth.2023.287373
Dalia Soliman; Gamal Abdel Razeq; Youmna Zaki. "Spinning and Weaving as Ancient Egyptian Inherited Crafts", Pharos International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 2, 1, 2023, 18-32. doi: 10.21608/pijth.2023.287373
Soliman, D., Abdel Razeq, G., Zaki, Y. (2023). 'Spinning and Weaving as Ancient Egyptian Inherited Crafts', Pharos International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 2(1), pp. 18-32. doi: 10.21608/pijth.2023.287373
Soliman, D., Abdel Razeq, G., Zaki, Y. Spinning and Weaving as Ancient Egyptian Inherited Crafts. Pharos International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 2023; 2(1): 18-32. doi: 10.21608/pijth.2023.287373