Guide for Authors

Instruction for Authors:

  • Submission: All manuscripts must be submitted online via email to address.
  • Manuscripts submitted to the Journal must not have been previously published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • The Journal is not financially obliged to the authors in return for any sort of means of publication.
  • The authors should adhere to the instructions and publishing rules set by the journal.
  • Authors must righteously follow proper citation and intellectual property rights requirements.
  • The corresponding author must obtain named co-authors' approval for publication and be named as a co-author.

Manuscript format:

  • Authors must submit two copies of the manuscript. The first one, with a title page including the manuscript title, authors' names, affiliations, and a complete address of the corresponding author, including his/her e-mail address. The second, with a blinded manuscript (with no author's details). The main body of the manuscript (including the references, figures, tables, and any acknowledgments) must not include any identifying information, such as the author's names or affiliations.
  • The manuscript must not exceed 8000 words so that the total number of research pages doesn’t exceed 20 pages (including all attachments such as figures, maps, shapes, references, and tables). Extra charges (EGP 30 per additional page)
  • An abstract of between 150 and 250 words (in English) must be included and preferably structured as follows: (1) Study objective (What is the study objective?); (2) Method (What approach/method was used in conducting the research?); (3) Results (highlight the key results and conclusions drawn); (4) Implications (summarize the study's implications); and (5) Value (explain what is novel or unique about the paper). Do not cite references in the abstract.
  • Give a maximum of up to five (5) keywords suitable for indexing.
  • Manuscripts submitted to the PIJTH must be written using the provided template.
  • All types of liability related to the manuscripts (published by the Journal) are attributable to the author and/or contributor. The journal, however, is not in the state of being liable for what is published in it.
  • The manuscripts must represent a genuine contribution to knowledge, e.g., original research, methodology, or conceptual piece, and will be peer-reviewed for the following: clarity in language, style, purpose, methodology; and practicality of conclusions/findings.
  • The manuscript text should preferably have a succinct introduction (indicating the study’s aim, scope, significance and the problem/questions, literature review, methods, results, discussion, and implications/conclusion. Exceptions of this structure are limited to conceptual papers, critical reviews or research notes.
  • Should any data (i.e., writing, table, figure, image, etc.) be cited from another source (whether printed or electronic), a reference (whether in text or as an endnote) should be made to such a source. A literal quotation should, besides being referred to, be given between quotation marks.
  • Any absence of referring to and/or giving credit to other sources will be taken as a case of plagiarism and would negatively affect the author’s chance to get any of his/her future work considered by us.
  • Non-scholarly sources, such as the many online encyclopedias and forums, must not be cited as references.
  • Manuscripts must be prepared using Standard English. Manuscripts must be typed in MS-Word, font 12, Times New Roman.
  • The title of the manuscript must be written in 12 pt bold for English manuscripts. All major headings and subheadings must be bold and typed in 12pt bold (preceded with numerals) for English manuscripts. Must not be italicized, underlined, and followed with punctuation (e.g. :-).
  • All paragraphs, except the first one (which directly follows a heading or a subheading), must be indented.
  • Punctuation marks (e.g. full stop, comma, colon, and semi-colon) must follow the last letter of the word preceding any of them.
  • Only one style must be applied in writing dates, names of historical figures, places, etc.
  • Short forms and contractions such as "isn’t" and "shouldn’t" must be avoided. It is also preferable to use the word "and" instead of the symbol &.
  • Titles like Dr. or Prof. must not be used-whether in the text, endnotes, or before the author’s name.
  • For bracketing, only parentheses ( ) must be used.
  • Only a single quotation mark ("") is to be used.
  • A dash must be used between dates as well as page number successions (140–150).
  • Referring to tables and figures in English papers must be as follows: (Table 7, Fig. 7)
  • The title of the table must be written in normal font on top of the table as follows:
  • Table 1. Number of tourists in Egypt year.
  • The source must be written under the table. The table format must be normal. In figures, the title must be written under the figure in normal font as follows: Fig. 3. Tourist product life cycle.
  • All diagrams, figures, tables, and equations must be numbered and inserted as close as possible to where they are required with headings. All tables and figures must thus be embedded in the main document.
  • References: The journal is using APA referencing style (American Psychological Association), more about this referencing style can be obtained from