Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Brand Identification

Document Type : Original Article


1 Pharos University in Alexandria; Canal El Mahmoudia Street, Beside Green Plaza Complex, 21648, Alexandria, Egypt Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management

2 Egyptian Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotels, Abd El Hamid Badawi Extension, Sheraton Al Matar, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.


This study expands the understanding of social exchange theory towards more perceiving of customer motives towards participation behaviour. However, experienced hotel and travel agency management gives their customers the idiosyncratic chance to involve themselves in making their own service. Such an opportunity creates a competitive advantage for their enterprise and maintains loyalty from their customers' side. The objectives of this study are to investigate the impact of product and technology-based service innovativeness on customer brand identification, assess the effect of experiential and promotional innovativeness on customer brand identification and explore the moderating role of customer brand identification in shaping customer participation behavior. By investigating 353 hotel and travel agency customers in travel agencies category A and five-star hotels in Egypt. The results proved that hotel and travel agency innovativeness significantly impacts customer brand identification which influences customer participation behavior. However, the study findings enriched the sector practitioners with recommendations and suggestions to strengthen brand identification customer loyalty and participation behavior dramatically. The study examines tourism sector innovation concepts by integrating theories on innovativeness management and brand identity. It seeks to enhance brand identity research and fill the gap in innovation acceptance literature.


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