From hurt to harmony: Investigating the impact of workplace bullying on food and beverage employees' outcomes

Document Type : Original Article


Hotel management department, Faculty of tourism and hotel management, Pharos University, Alexandria, Egypt


The organizational outcomes (job crafting and work engagement) of food and beverage employees are examined in this study in relation to workplace bullying. Additionally, it is assumed that emotional intelligence plays a mediation role in the associations between employee organizational outcomes and workplace bullying. The study primarily aims to accomplish these goals: (1) determining the prevalence of workplace bullying in the food and beverage industry; (2) calculating the impact of workplace bullying on job crafting and work engagement among food and beverage employees; and (3) examining the mediating role of emotional intelligence between workplace bullying and the aforementioned outcomes. The findings of the study showed that workplace bullying was detrimentally associated to organizational outcomes, and that emotional intelligence played a role in mediating this relationship. However, to guarantee that staff members have high levels of emotional intelligence, hotel management should offer emotional support and exercise caution when employing new employees.


Main Subjects